Sentry - The Adventures of Jack Schilt 
Michael Thiele 


The Story
The Characters



Introduced by the Ar-Nhim, the Mithankor spread as fast as a contagious disease over Gondwanaland, depopulating the entire continent within a couple of decades. Only the Opreju and Ar-Nhim seem to be capable of defending themselves against this carnivorous pest. After their defeat in the war against the Ermeskul there is no life form left to stand up to the Mithankor. With nothing left to feed on they die in large numbers. The arrival of humans saves them from extinction, though. For a short period their population recovers. But after the Great War the Mithankor are again driven to the brink of extinction. However, not all of them are dead...

Ar-Nhim - Ermeskul - Humans - Mithankor - Opreju - Uhleb