Sentry - The Adventures of Jack Schilt 
Michael Thiele 


The Story
The Characters




After their escape from Aotearoa the fugitives and their mad leader, the fanatic scientist Alpha Cantrell, build a new colony beyond the shores of the Skeleton River, the later called Laurussia and its capital Hyperion. Laurussia's irreconcilable enmity with the Opreju finally triggers the devastating Great War (233/267-281) that results in Laurussia's complete destruction.

Hyperion - The old capital of Laurussia. Destroyed in 278 by the Opreju. Surviving Skiavos later settle down in the area of Hyperion renaming it Basturin.
Kelvin - Human settlement. Abandoned in 215 after a mysterious plague had killed the major part of its population.
Travorsa Island - Exile of the Opreju imposed upon them by the Ermeskul. Travorsa was conquered by Laurussian forces in 136.

Aotearoa - Great Caldera - Ithra - Lake Taor -
Laurussia - Uhleb